Available Basic Constants:
Gravitational Constant:
Speed of light:
Light year:
Astronomical Unit:
Mass of planets:
- M_sun=1.989e30
- M_earth=5.974e24
Plank Constant:
Charge of electron:
Mass of basic particles:
- Me=9.1095e-31
- Mp=1.6726e-27
- Mn=1.67493e-27
Avogadro Constant:
Steven-Boltzman Constant:
Electric Vault:
Radius of planets:
- R_earth=6371393
- R_sun=696300000
Spin of planets:
Author: Airscker/Yufeng Wang
License: GPL-3.0 License
We go on util we go wrong, then we keep on util we are right.