Document of Puple Micro Star


This is a package built for simulating Multibody Celestial motion and Gravitational Wave of Pulsars or Binary Celestial Bodies.

To install this package just using pip:

And to test the project, you can type in:

and hit ENTER, if everything goes well, you will get several test results.


Available Operations

MultiGravity Simulation:

Simulating motion curve of a cluster of celestial bodies, from single celestial body to as many as possible. Let's see the motion curve of 215 celestial bodies in 10s:

Or Let's see 6 celestial bodies in 1e6s:

Single Celestial Simulation:

Building single celestial body and give out its properties, including Roche Limit and others

Gravitational Wave Simulation

Simulating Gravitational Wave signal of binary celestial bodies or pulsars, less to say and look at some beautiful results:

Basic Constants

We don't need to find some key constants in physics online anymore, and you just need to import this module, and basic constants are available

Basic Algorithms

In this module, you can calculate gravity force easily and there are other available operations, please see detailed document


To my girlfriend and Prof. YanRan(Joyce) Wang in Stanford University


We go on util we go wrong, then we keep on util we are right.